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Li, M., Myrman, A. F., Mu, T. en Ananiadou, S., Modelling Instance-Level Annotator Reliability for Natural Language Labelling Tasks, in: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pagina's 2873-2883, 2019
Li, M., Nguyen, N. T. H. en Ananiadou, S., Proactive Learning for Named Entity Recognition, in: Proceedings of BioNLP 2017, pagina's 117--125, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017
Li, M., Takamura, H. en Ananiadou, S., A Neural Model for Aggregating Coreference Annotation in Crowdsourcing, in: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), pagina's 5760-5773, 2020
Liakata, M., Thompson, P., de Waard, A., Nawaz, R., Pander Maat, H. en Ananiadou, S., A three-way perspective on scientific discourse annotation for knowledge extraction, in: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse (DSSD), pagina's 37-46, 2012
Liu, B, Schlegel, V., Batista-Navarro, R. en Ananiadou, S., Entity Coreference and Co-occurrence Aware Argument Mining from Biomedical Literature, in: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI 2023, 2023
Liu, B, Schlegel, V., Batista-Navarro, R. en Ananiadou, S., Argument mining as a multi-hop generative machine reading comprehension task, in: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pagina's 10846–10858, 2023
Liu, Z., Liu, B, Thompson, P., Yang, K en Ananiadou, S., ConspEmoLLM: Conspiracy Theory Detection Using an Emotion-Based Large Language Model, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS-2024), 2024
Luo, Z., Liu, L., Ananiadou, S. en Xie, Q., Graph Contrastive Topic Model (2024), in: Expert Systems with Applications, 255:Part C(124631)
Luo, Z., Xie, Q. en Ananiadou, S., CitationSum: Citation-aware Graph Contrastive Learning for Scientific Paper Summarization, in: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference, pagina's 1843–1852, 2023
Luo, Z., Xie, Q. en Ananiadou, S., Readability Controllable Biomedical Document Summarization, in: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022, pagina's 4667–4680, 2022


Matsubayashi, Y., Okazaki, N. en Tsujii, J., A Comparative Study on Generalization of Semantic Roles in FrameNet., in: Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP 2009, pagina's 19--27, 2009
Matsubayashi, Y., Okazaki, N. en Tsujii, J., Accurate and Robust Semantic Role Labeling using Multiple Generalization Criteria in PropBank, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, pagina's 97--104, 2009