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Thompson, P., Yates, T., Inan, E. en Ananiadou, S., Semantic Annotation for Improved Safety in Construction Work, in: Proceedings of LREC 2020, pagina's 1983‑1992, 2020
Tran, T. T., Le, P. en Ananiadou, S., One-shot to Weakly-Supervised Relation Classification using Language Models, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction, 2021
Tran, T. T., Le, P. en Ananiadou, S., Revisiting Unsupervised Relation Extraction, in: Proceedings of ACL 2020, pagina's 7498–7505, 2020
Tsujii, J., Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics (2021), in: Computational Linguistics, 47:4(707-727)
Tsujii, J. en Ananiadou, S., Thesaurus or Logical Ontology, Which One Do We Need for Text Mining? (2005), in: Language Resources and Evaluation, 39:1(77-90)
Tsunakawa, T., Okazaki, N., Liu, X. en Tsujii, J., A Chinese-Japanese Lexical Machine Translation through a Pivot Language (2009), in: ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 8:2(9:1--9:21)
Tsunakawa, T., Okazaki, N. en Tsujii, J., Building Bilingual Lexicons Using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pagina's 1664--1667, 2008
Tsunakawa, T. en Tsujii, J., Bilingual Synonym Identification with Spelling Variations, in: Proceedings of the 3rd international Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pagina's 457--464, 2008
Tsuruoka, Y., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., A Machine Learning Approach To Acronym Generation, in: Proceedings of the Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics (BioLink 2005), pagina's 25-31, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Towards efficient probabilistic HPSG parsing: integrating semantic and syntactic preference to guide the parsing, in: Proceedings of IJCNLP-04 Workshop: Beyond shallow analyses - Formalisms and statistical modeling for deep analyses, 2004
Tsuruoka, Y., Tateisi, Y., Kim, J.-D., Ohta, T., McNaught, J., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., Developing a Robust Part-of-Speech Tagger for Biomedical Text, in: Advances in Informatics - 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, pagina's 382--392, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Bidirectional inference with the easiest-first strategy for tagging sequence data, in: HLT '05: Proceedings of the conference on Human Language Technology and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pagina's 467--474, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Chunk Parsing Revisited, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2005), pagina's 133--140, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. en Ananiadou, S., Fast Full Parsing by Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields, in: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-09), pagina's 790--798, 2009