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Tsuruoka, Y.
Voornamen: Y.
Achternamen: Tsuruoka

Publicaties van Tsuruoka, Y. gesorteerd op nieuwheid
| 1-25 | 26-44 |

Kano, Y., Nguyen, N. T. H., Sætre, R., Fukamachi, K., Yoshida, K., Miyao, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., Sharable type system design for tool inter-operability and combinatorial comparison, in: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources (ICGL), pagina's 122--129, 2008
Kocbek, S., Sætre, R., Stiglic, G., Kim, J.-D., Pernek, I., Tsuruoka, Y., Kokol, P., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., Analysis of gene ranking algorithms with extraction of relevant biomedical concepts from Pubmed publications, in: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS), 2011
Tekiner, F., Ananiadou, S., Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Highly Scalable Text Mining Parallel Tagging Application, in: Proceedings of ICSSCW2009, Famgusta, Cyprus, 2009
Tsuruoka, Y., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Towards efficient probabilistic HPSG parsing: integrating semantic and syntactic preference to guide the parsing, in: Proceedings of IJCNLP-04 Workshop: Beyond shallow analyses - Formalisms and statistical modeling for deep analyses, 2004
Kim, J.-D., Ohta, T., Tsuruoka, Y., Tateisi, Y. en Collier, N., Introduction to the Bio-Entity Recognition Task at JNLPBA, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine and its Applications (JNLPBA-04), pagina's 70--75, 2004
Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Chunk Parsing Revisited, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2005), pagina's 133--140, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Bidirectional inference with the easiest-first strategy for tagging sequence data, in: HLT '05: Proceedings of the conference on Human Language Technology and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pagina's 467--474, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Iterative CKY Parsing for Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars, in: Natural Language Processing - IJCNLP 2004, pagina's 52-60, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., A Machine Learning Approach To Acronym Generation, in: Proceedings of the Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics (BioLink 2005), pagina's 25-31, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Tateisi, Y., Kim, J.-D., Ohta, T., McNaught, J., Ananiadou, S. en Tsujii, J., Developing a Robust Part-of-Speech Tagger for Biomedical Text, in: Advances in Informatics - 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, pagina's 382--392, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Chun, H.-W., Tsuruoka, Y., Kim, J.-D., Shiba, R., Nagata, N., Hishiki, T. en Tsujii, J., Automatic Recognition of Topic-Classified Relations between Prostate Cancer and Genes from Medline Abstracts, in: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine, pagina's 5-12, 2006
Yoshida, K., Tsuruoka, Y., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Ambiguous Part-of-Speech Tagging for Improving Accuracy and Domain Portability of Syntactic Parsers, in: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), pagina's 1783-1788, 2007
Piao, S., Ananiadou, S., Tsuruoka, Y., Sasaki, Y. en McNaught, J., Mining Opinion Polarity Relations of Citations, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Semantics, pagina's 366-371, 2007
| 1-25 | 26-44 |