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Yakushiji, A., Miyao, Y., Ohta, T., Tateisi, Y. und Tsujii, J., Automatic Construction of Predicate-argument Structure Patterns for Biomedical Information Extraction, in: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Seiten 284--292, 2006
Yakushiji, A., Miyao, Y., Tateisi, Y. und Tsujii, J., Biomedical Information Extraction with Predicate-Argument Structure Patterns, in: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM), Seiten 60--69, 2005
Yang, K, Liu, Z., Xie, Q., Huang, J., Zhang, T. und Ananiadou, S., MetaAligner: Towards Generalizable Multi-Objective Alignment of Language Models, in: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024
Yang, K, Zhang, T. und Ananiadou, S., Disentangled Variational Autoencoder for Emotion Recognition in Conversations (2023), in: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing(1-12)
Yano, K., Luo, Z., Huang, J., Xie, Q., Asada, M., Yuan, C., Yang, K, Miwa, M., Ananiadou, S. und Tsujii, J., ELAINE-medLLM: Lightweight English Japanese Chinese Trilingual Large Language Model for Bio-medical Domain, in: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025), In Press
Yoshida, K. und Tsujii, J., Reranking for Biomedical Named-Entity Recognition, in: Proceedings of BioNLP 2007: Biological, translational, and clinical language processing, Seiten 209--216, 2007
Yoshida, K., Tsuruoka, Y., Miyao, Y. und Tsujii, J., Ambiguous Part-of-Speech Tagging for Improving Accuracy and Domain Portability of Syntactic Parsers, in: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), Seiten 1783-1788, 2007
Yu, K., Miyao, Y., Matsuzaki, T., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Uchimoto, K. und Tsujii, J., Comparison of Chinese Treebanks for Corpus-oriented HPSG Grammar Development (2010), in: Journal of Natural Language Processing (Special Issue on Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing)
Yu, K. und Tsujii, J., Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpora with Dependency Heterogeneity, in: Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2009, Seiten 121--124, 2009
Yu, K. und Tsujii, J., Bilingual Dictionary Extraction from Wikipedia, in: Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII, 2009
Yu, Z. und Ananiadou, S., How do Large Language Models Learn In-Context? Query and Key Matrices of In-Context Heads are Two Towers for Metric Learning, in: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seiten 3281–3292, 2024