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Sætre, R., Yoshida, K., Miwa, M., Matsuzaki, T., Kano, Y. und Tsujii, J., Extracting Protein-Interactions from Text with the Unified AkaneRE Event Extraction System (2010), in: Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), BioCreative II.5 Special Issue, 7:3(442-453)
Sagae, K., Miyao, Y. und Tsujii, J., HPSG parsing with shallow dependency constraints, in: Proceedings of the 44th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Seiten 624--631, 2007
Sagae, K. und Tsujii, J., Dependency parsing and domain adaptation with LR models and parser ensembles, in: Proceedings of the CoNLL 2007 Shared Task in the Joint Conferences on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL'07 shared task), Seiten 1044-1050, 2007
Saha, T und Ananiadou, S., Emotion-aware and Intent-controlled Empathetic Response Generation using Hierarchical Transformer Network, in: Proceedings of IJCNN at 2022 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Seiten 1-8, 2022
Sasaki, Y., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., The value of an in-domain lexicon in genomics qa (2010), in: Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology, 8:1(147--161)
Sasaki, Y., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., The Value of an In-Domain Lexicon in Genomics QA, in: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM-2009), Seiten 47--55, 2009
Sasaki, Y., Montemagni, S., Pezik, P., Rebholz-Schuhmann, D., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., BioLexicon: A Lexical Resource for the Biology Domain, in: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM 2008), Turku, Finland, Seiten 109--116, Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS), 2008
Sasaki, Y., Rea, B. und Ananiadou, S., Clinical Text Classification under the Open and Closed Topic Assumptions (2009), in: International Journal on Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), 3:3(299--313)
Sasaki, Y., Rea, B. und Ananiadou, S., Multi-topic Aspects in Clinical Text Classification, in: BIBM '07: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Seiten 62--70, IEEE Computer Society, 2007
Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., Cotter, P., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., Event Frame Extraction Based on a Gene Regulation Corpus, in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008), Seiten 761--768, Coling 2008 Organizing Committee, 2008
Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., Three BioNLP Tools Powered by the BioLexicon, in: Proceeedings of EACL 2009 Demonstration Session, Seiten 61--64, 2009
Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., Biological Event Recognition with Textual Induction, in: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM-2009), Seiten 91--96, 2009
Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., How to Make the Most of NE Dictionaries in Statistical NER, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2008), Seiten 63--70, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2008
Sasaki, Y., Wang, X. und Ananiadou, S., Extracting Secondary Bio-Event Arguments with Extraction Constraints (2011), in: Computational Intelligence, 27:4(702-721)