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Li, M., Takamura, H. and Ananiadou, S., A Neural Model for Aggregating Coreference Annotation in Crowdsourcing, in: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), páginas 5760-5773, 2020
Ninomiya, T., Miyao, Y. and Tsujii, J., A Persistent Feature-Object Database for Intelligent Text Archive Systems, in: Natural Language Processing - IJCNLP 2004, páginas 197--205, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Ohta, T., Pyysalo, S., Kim, J.-D. and Tsujii, J., A re-evaluation of biomedical named entity-term relations (2010), in: Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB), 8:5(917--928)
Rupp, C. J., Thompson, P., Black, W.J., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S., A Specialised Verb Lexicon as the Basis of Fact Extraction in the Biomedical Domain, in: Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Workshop on Verbs: The Identification and Representation of Verb Features (Verb 2010), 2010
Almagrabi, H., Malibari, A. and McNaught, J., A Survey of Quality Prediction of Product Reviews (2015), in: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6:11(49-58)
Wang, X. and Ananiadou, S., A Task-Oriented Extension of the Chinese MeSH Concepts Hierarchy, in: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM), LREC 2010, páginas 23--30, 2010
Batista-Navarro, R., Hammock, J., Ulate, W. and Ananiadou, S., A Text Mining Framework for Accelerating the Semantic Curation of Literature, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2016), páginas 459-462, Springer, 2016
Batista-Navarro, R., Zerva, C., Nguyen, N. T. H. and Ananiadou, S., A Text Mining-Based Framework for Constructing an RDF-Compliant Biodiversity Knowledge Repository, páginas 30-42, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 656, 2017
Liakata, M., Thompson, P., de Waard, A., Nawaz, R., Pander Maat, H. and Ananiadou, S., A three-way perspective on scientific discourse annotation for knowledge extraction, in: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse (DSSD), páginas 37-46, 2012
Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S., Accelerating the Annotation of Sparse Named Entities by Dynamic Sentence Selection, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2008), páginas 30--37, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2008
Matsubayashi, Y., Okazaki, N. and Tsujii, J., Accurate and Robust Semantic Role Labeling using Multiple Generalization Criteria in PropBank, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, páginas 97--104, 2009