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Tsujii, J.
Voornamen: J.
Achternamen: Tsujii


Publicaties van Tsujii, J. gesorteerd op eerste auteur
| 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-191 |


Ananiadou, S., Cotter, P., Nobata, C., Okazaki, N., Rea, B., Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., SemText: a semantically enriched information retrieval system for biology, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2007), 2007
Ananiadou, S., Friedman, C. en Tsujii, J., Introduction: named entity recognition in biomedicine (2004), in: Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 37:6(393--395)
Ananiadou, S., Kell, D. B. en Tsujii, J., Text mining and its potential applications in systems biology (2006), in: Trends in Biotechnology, 24:12(571 - 579)
Andrade, D., Matsuzaki, T. en Tsujii, J., Effective use of dependency structure for bilingual lexicon creation, in: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing (CICLing'11) - Volume Part II, Tokyo, Japan, pagina's 80--92, Springer-Verlag, 2011
Andrade, D., Matsuzaki, T. en Tsujii, J., Learning the Optimal Use of Dependency-parsing Information for Finding Translations with Comparable Corpora, in: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web, pagina's 10--18, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011
Araki, N., Yoshida, K., Tsuruoka, Y. en Tsujii, J., Move Prediction in Go with the Maximum Entropy Method, in: 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, pagina's 189-195, 2007
Arase, Y. en Tsujii, J., Compositional Phrase Alignment and Beyond, in: Proceedings of EMNLP 2020, pagina's 1611–1623, 2020
Arase, Y. en Tsujii, J., Monolingual Phrase Alignment on Parse Forests, in: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pagina's 1-11, 2017



Chun, H.-W., Ohta, T., Kim, J.-D. en Tsujii, J., Building Patterns for Biomedical Event Extraction, in: Proceedings of the 15th International conference on Genome Informatics (GIW), pagina's 163--164, 2004
Chun, H.-W., Tsuruoka, Y., Kim, J.-D., Shiba, R., Nagata, N., Hishiki, T. en Tsujii, J., Automatic Recognition of Topic-Classified Relations between Prostate Cancer and Genes from Medline Abstracts, in: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine, pagina's 5-12, 2006



El Boukkouri, H, Ferret, O., Lavergne, T., Noji, H., Zweigenbaum, P. en Tsujii, J., CharacterBERT: Reconciling ELMo and BERT for Word-Level Open-Vocabulary Representations From Characters, in: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), pagina's 6903–6915, 2020


Hanaoka, H., Mima, H. en Tsujii, J., A Japanese Particle Corpus Built by Example-Based Annotation, in: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2010), pagina's 1876--1880, 2010
Hara, T., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Effective Analysis of Causes and Inter-dependencies of Parsing Errors, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-09)., pagina's 180--191, 2009
Hara, T., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Evaluating Impact of Re-training a Lexical Disambiguation Model on Domain Adaptation of an HPSG Parser, in: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2007), pagina's 11--22, 2007
Hara, T., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., Adapting a probabilistic disambiguation model of an HPSG parser to a new domain, in: Natural Language Processing – IJCNLP 2005, pagina's 199--210, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Hatori, J., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., On Contribution of Sense Dependencies to Word Sense Disambiguation (2009), in: Information and Media Technologies, 4:4(1129--1155)
Hatori, J., Murakami, A. en Tsujii, J., Multi-Topical Discussion Summarization using Structured Lexical Chains and Cue Words, in: Proceedings of CICLing 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pagina's 313-327, Springer, 2011


Iwasawa, S., Hanaoka, H., Matsuzaki, T., Miyao, Y. en Tsujii, J., A Collaborative Annotation between Human Annotators and a Statistical Parser, in: Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, pagina's 56--64, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011
| 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-191 |