Kolluru, B.
First name(s): B.
Last name(s): Kolluru


Publications of Kolluru, B.
Rak, R., Kolluru, B. and Ananiadou, S., Building trainable taggers in a web-based, UIMA-supported NLP workbench, in: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2012), pages 121-126, 2012
Kontonatsios, G., Korkontzelos, I., Kolluru, B. and Ananiadou, S., Adding Text Mining Workflows as Web Services to the BioCatalogue, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Aplications and Tools for the Life Sciences (SWAT4LS)., 2011
Soldatova, L. N., Kolluru, B., King, R. D., Qi, D. and Ananiadou, S., An ontology-based disambiguation of terms, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mining the Pharmacogenomics Literature, Pacific Symopsium on Biocomputing, 2011