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Ananiadou, S.
Primeiro nome(s): S.
Sobrenome(s): Ananiadou

Publications of Ananiadou, S. sorted by title


Batista-Navarro, R., Hammock, J., Ulate, W. and Ananiadou, S., A Text Mining Framework for Accelerating the Semantic Curation of Literature, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2016), páginas 459-462, Springer, 2016
Batista-Navarro, R., Zerva, C., Nguyen, N. T. H. and Ananiadou, S., A Text Mining-Based Framework for Constructing an RDF-Compliant Biodiversity Knowledge Repository, páginas 30-42, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 656, 2017
Liakata, M., Thompson, P., de Waard, A., Nawaz, R., Pander Maat, H. and Ananiadou, S., A three-way perspective on scientific discourse annotation for knowledge extraction, in: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse (DSSD), páginas 37-46, 2012
Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S., Accelerating the Annotation of Sparse Named Entities by Dynamic Sentence Selection, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2008), páginas 30--37, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2008
Batista-Navarro, R. and Ananiadou, S., Adapting ChER for the recognition of chemical mentions in patents, in: Proceedings of the Fifth BioCreative Challenge Evaluation Workshop, Seville, Spain, páginas 149-153, 2015
Batista-Navarro, R. and Ananiadou, S., Adapting the Cluster Ranking Supervised Model to Resolve Coreferences in the Drug Literature, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM 2011), 2011
Kontonatsios, G., Korkontzelos, I., Kolluru, B. and Ananiadou, S., Adding Text Mining Workflows as Web Services to the BioCatalogue, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Aplications and Tools for the Life Sciences (SWAT4LS)., 2011
Stenetorp, P., Pyysalo, S., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J., Almost Total Recall: Semantic Category Disambiguation Using Large Lexical Resources and Approximate String Matching (2011), in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM 2011)
Hahn, U., Buyko, E., Tomanek, K., Piao, S., McNaught, J., Tsuruoka, Y. and Ananiadou, S., An Annotation Type System for a Data-Driven NLP Pipeline, in: Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop, páginas 33--40, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2007
Barrón-Cedeño, A., Sierra, G. E., Drouin, P. and Ananiadou, S., An Improved Automatic Term Recognition method for Spanish, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, páginas 125--136, Springer, 2009
Soldatova, L. N., Kolluru, B., King, R. D., Qi, D. and Ananiadou, S., An ontology-based disambiguation of terms, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mining the Pharmacogenomics Literature, Pacific Symopsium on Biocomputing, 2011
Mihăilă, C., Batista-Navarro, R. and Ananiadou, S., Analysing Entity Type Variation across Biomedical Subdomains, in: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, páginas 1-7, 2012
Kocbek, S., Sætre, R., Stiglic, G., Kim, J.-D., Pernek, I., Tsuruoka, Y., Kokol, P., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J., Analysis of gene ranking algorithms with extraction of relevant biomedical concepts from Pubmed publications, in: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS), 2011
Pyysalo, S., Ohta, T. and Ananiadou, S., Anatomical Entity Recognition with Open Biomedical Ontologies, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM 2011), 2011