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Ananiadou, S.
Vorname(n): S.
Nachname(n): Ananiadou

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Tsujii, J. und Ananiadou, S., Thesaurus or Logical Ontology, Which One Do We Need for Text Mining? (2005), in: Language Resources and Evaluation, 39:1(77-90)
Tsuruoka, Y., Ananiadou, S. und Tsujii, J., A Machine Learning Approach To Acronym Generation, in: Proceedings of the Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics (BioLink 2005), Seiten 25-31, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Tateisi, Y., Kim, J.-D., Ohta, T., McNaught, J., Ananiadou, S. und Tsujii, J., Developing a Robust Part-of-Speech Tagger for Biomedical Text, in: Advances in Informatics - 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Seiten 382--392, Springer-Verlag, 2005
Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. und Ananiadou, S., Fast Full Parsing by Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields, in: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-09), Seiten 790--798, 2009
Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. und Ananiadou, S., Accelerating the Annotation of Sparse Named Entities by Dynamic Sentence Selection, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2008), Seiten 30--37, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2008


Vasquez-Rodriguez, L., Nguyen, N. T. H., Shardlow, M. und Ananiadou, S., UoM&MMU at TSAR-2022 Shared Task: Prompt Learning for Lexical Simplification, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility, and Readability (TSAR-2022), Seiten 218-224, 2022
Vasquez-Rodriguez, L., Shardlow, M., Przybyɫa, P. und Ananiadou, S., Investigating Text Simplification Evaluation, in: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, Seiten 876-882, 2021
Vasquez-Rodriguez, L., Shardlow, M., Przybyɫa, P. und Ananiadou, S., The Role of Text Simplification Operations in Evaluation, in: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Current Trends in Text Simplification (CTTS-2021), Seiten 57-69, 2021
Venturi, G., Montemagni, S., Marchi, S., Sasaki, Y., Thompson, P., McNaught, J. und Ananiadou, S., Bootstrapping a Verb Lexicon for Biomedical Information Extraction, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2009), Seiten 137--148, Springer, 2009


Wang, X. und Ananiadou, S., A Task-Oriented Extension of the Chinese MeSH Concepts Hierarchy, in: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Building and Evaluating Resources for Biomedical Text Mining (BioTxtM), LREC 2010, Seiten 23--30, 2010
Wang, X., Rak, R., Restificar, A., Nobata, C., Rupp, C. J., Batista-Navarro, R., Nawaz, R. und Ananiadou, S., NaCTeM Systems for BioCreative III PPI Tasks, in: Proceedings of the BioCreative III Workshop, Seiten 142-147, 2010