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Ananiadou, S.
First name(s): S.
Last name(s): Ananiadou

Publications of Ananiadou, S. sorted by title


Ananiadou, S., Text Mining for Biomedicine (2009), in: Information Retrieval in Biomedicine: Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Integration(1--11)
Korkontzelos, I., Mu, T., Restificar, A. and Ananiadou, S., Text mining for efficient search and assisted creation of clinical trials, in: Proceedings of the ACM Fourth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO 2011), 2011
Black, W.J., Rowley, A., Miwa, M., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S., Text Mining for Semantic Search in Europe PubMed Central Labs, in: Working with Text: Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Text Mining, pages 111-132, Elsevier, 2016
Przybyɫa, P., Shardlow, M., Aubin, S., Bossy, R., {Eckart de Castilho}, R., Piperidis, S., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S., Text Mining Resources for the Life Sciences (2016), in: Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation(baw145)
Rea, B. and Ananiadou, S., Text Mining Services to Support E-Research, in: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, 2007
Batista-Navarro, R., Soto, A., Ulate, W. and Ananiadou, S., Text Mining Workflows for Indexing Archives with Automatically Extracted Semantic Metadata, in: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2016), pages 471–473, Springer, 2016
Rak, R., Batista-Navarro, R., Rowley, A., Carter, J. and Ananiadou, S., Text Mining-assisted Biocuration Workflows in Argo (2014), in: Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
Soto, A., Przybyɫa, P. and Ananiadou, S., Thalia: Semantic search engine for biomedical abstracts (2018), in: Bioinformatics, 35:10(1799–1801)
Ananiadou, S., McNaught, J. and Thompson, P., The English Language in the Digital Age, in: White Paper Series, Springer, 2012
Thompson, P., Ananiadou, S. and Tsujii, J., The GENIA Corpus: Annotation Levels and Applications, in: Handbook of Linguistic Annotation, pages 1395-1432, Springer, 2017
Mihăilă, C. and Ananiadou, S., The Meta-knowledge of Causality in Biomedical Scientific Discourse, in: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, Iceland, pages 1984-1991, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014
Vasquez-Rodriguez, L., Shardlow, M., Przybyɫa, P. and Ananiadou, S., The Role of Text Simplification Operations in Evaluation, in: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Current Trends in Text Simplification (CTTS-2021), pages 57-69, 2021
Sasaki, Y., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S., The Value of an In-Domain Lexicon in Genomics QA, in: Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM-2009), pages 47--55, 2009
Sasaki, Y., McNaught, J. and Ananiadou, S., The value of an in-domain lexicon in genomics qa (2010), in: Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology, 8:1(147--161)
Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S., Thesaurus or Logical Ontology, Which One Do We Need for Text Mining? (2005), in: Language Resources and Evaluation, 39:1(77-90)