Publications of Miwa, M. sorted by title
A Comparative Study of Syntactic Parsers for Event Extraction, in: Proceedings of BioNLP 2010, ACL., pages 37--45, 2010 | , , and ,
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A method for integrating and ranking the evidence for biochemical pathways by mining reactions from text (2013), in: Bioinformatics, 29:13(i44-i52) | , , , , , and ,
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A Neural Layered Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition, in: Proceedings of NAACL 2018, pages 1446-1459, 2018 | , and ,
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A Rich Feature Vector for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Multiple Corpora, in: Proceedings of EMNLP 2009, pages 121--130, 2009 | , , and ,
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A Search-based Neural Model for Biomedical Nested and Overlapping Event Detection, in: Proceedings of EMNLP 2019, pages 3670-3677, 2019 | , and ,
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A Walk-based Model on Entity Graphs for Relation Extraction, in: Proceedings of ACL, pages 81-88, 2018 | , and ,
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Adaptable, high recall, event extraction system with minimal configuration (2015), in: BMC Bioinformatics, 16:Suppl 10.(S7) | and ,
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Adverse Drug Events and Medication Relation Extraction in EHRs with Ensemble Deep Learning Methods (2019), in: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association(ocz101) | , , , and ,
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AkaneRE Relation Extraction: Protein Interaction and Normalization in the BioCreAtIvE II.5 Challenge, in: BioCreative II.5 Workshop 2009 special session | Digital Annotations, pages 33, CNIO, 2009 | , , , , and ,
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An Ensemble of Neural Models for Nested Adverse Drug Events and Medication Extraction with Subwords (2019), in: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27:1(22-30) | , , and ,
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BioVAE: a pre-trained latent variable language model for biomedical text mining (2022), 38:3(872-874) | , and ,
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Boosting automatic event extraction from the literature using domain adaptation and coreference resolution (2012), in: Bioinformatics, 28:13(1759-1765) | , and ,
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Comparable Study of Event Extraction in Newswire and Biomedical Domains, in: Proceedings of Coling 2014, pages 2270 -2279, 2014 | , , and ,
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Comparing neural models for nested and overlapping biomedical event detection (2022), in: BMC Bioinformatics, 23(211) | , , , , and ,
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Connecting the Dots: Document-level Neural Relation Extraction with Edge-oriented Graphs, in: Proceedings of EMNLP 2019, pages 4927-4938, 2019 | , and ,
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Contextualized Medication Event Extraction with Levitated Markers (2023), in: Journal of Biomedical Informatics(104347) | , , , and ,
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Coreference Resolution in Full Text Articles with BERT and Syntax-based Mention Filtering, in: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks, pages 196-205, 2019 | , , , , and ,
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DeepEventMine: End-to-end Neural Nested Event Extraction from Biomedical Texts (2020), in: Bioinformatics(btaa540) | , , , , and ,
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Design and Implementation of GXP Make -- A Workflow System Based on Make, in: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Sixth International Conference on e-Science, pages 214--221, IEEE Computer Society, 2010 | , , , , , , , and ,
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Discovering and visualizing indirect associations between biomedical concepts (2011), in: Bioinformatics, 27:13(i111-i119) | , , , and ,
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Discovering Robust Embeddings in (Dis)Similarity Space for High-Dimensional Lingustic Features (2012), in: Computatational Intelligence | , , and ,
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DISTANT: Distantly Supervised Entity Span Detection and Classification, in: Proceedings of BioNLP 2023, pages 171–177, 2023 | and ,
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Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Sentence Reconstruction and Knowledge Base Priors, in: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT), pages 11-26, 2021 | , and ,
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ELAINE-medLLM: Lightweight English Japanese Chinese Trilingual Large Language Model for Bio-medical Domain, in: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025), In Press | , , , , , , , , and ,
Ensemble Classification of Grants using LDA-based features (2016), in: Proceedings of LREC 2016(1288-1294) | , , and ,
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