Nobata, C.
Vorname(n): C.
Nachname(n): Nobata

Publikationen von Nobata, C.
Wang, X., Rak, R., Restificar, A., Nobata, C., Rupp, C. J., Batista-Navarro, R., Nawaz, R. und Ananiadou, S., NaCTeM Systems for BioCreative III PPI Tasks, in: Proceedings of the BioCreative III Workshop, Seiten 142-147, 2010
Nobata, C., Sasaki, Y., Okazaki, N., Rupp, C. J., Tsujii, J. und Ananiadou, S., Semantic Search on Digital Document Repositories based on Text Mining Results, in: International Conferences on Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web 2009 (ICSD2009), Seiten 34--48, 2009
Nobata, C., Cotter, P., Okazaki, N., Rea, B., Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y., Tsujii, J. und Ananiadou, S., Kleio: a knowledge-enriched information retrieval system for biology, in: Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Singapore, Singapore, Seiten 787--788, ACM, 2008
Ananiadou, S., Cotter, P., Nobata, C., Okazaki, N., Rea, B., Sasaki, Y., Tsuruoka, Y. und Tsujii, J., SemText: a semantically enriched information retrieval system for biology, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2007), 2007