Result of analysing all tweets on #rpmeet/#rpmeeta/#rpmeetb at JISC Repositories and Preservation Programme Meeting, Aston Business School Conference Centre, 6-7 May 2009.

Analysis carried out using NaCTeM's TerMine tool. The output is ordered by descending C-value, then within each score by ascending alphabetic order. TerMine produces multiword output to suggest candidate terms. C-value is a measure that reflects the importance of a candidate term, based on:

  • the frequency of occurrence of the candidate term
  • the frequency of occurrence of the candidate term as part of other
  • longer candidate terms
  • the number of these longer candidate terms
  • the length of the candidate term
For further information on TerMine and C-value, see:

The output is ordered by descending C-value, then within each score by ascending alphabetic order.

6.000000 rachel heery
6.000000 research data
4.754888 preservation programme meeting
4.754888 text mining tools
4.000000 ideas room
3.754888 kcl committee zone
3.754888 repositories roadmap review
3.600000 roadmap review
3.169925 file storage mechanism
3.169925 institutional repository search
3.000000 jisc site
3.000000 jisc website
3.000000 mad ideas
3.000000 most impact
3.000000 neil jacobs
3.000000 open access
3.000000 overlay journal
3.000000 preservation programme
3.000000 rapid innovation
3.000000 repository projects
3.000000 repository road
3.000000 research information management infrastructure
3.000000 research papers
3.000000 uk council
2.807355 ex cetis md sig coordinator jenny delasalle
2.584963 json / bibtex / atom combo
2.333333 committee zone
2.333333 repositories roadmap
2.321928 institutional research information management infrastructure
2.321928 repository support programme briefing papers
2.000000 andrew prescott
2.000000 better services
2.000000 better teaching
2.000000 c rusbridge
2.000000 case study
2.000000 coffee break
2.000000 committee records
2.000000 complex m/d creation process
2.000000 data formats
2.000000 data repositories
2.000000 digital repositories roadmap review
2.000000 e-crystals federation
2.000000 evidenced outcomes
2.000000 first rapid innovation strand
2.000000 first session
2.000000 followup preservation exemplar project
2.000000 good example
2.000000 good idea
2.000000 heery/anderson dig rep review
2.000000 hei functionality activity model
2.000000 innovative project
2.000000 institutional data repositories/ ebank
2.000000 institutional repositories interaction study
2.000000 international project name registry
2.000000 jan booth
2.000000 jisc repositories
2.000000 jisc repository
2.000000 just-published rep roadmap review
2.000000 just-published rep rpadmap review
2.000000 kcl committee zone person
2.000000 kevin ashley
2.000000 legible products
2.000000 lower costs
2.000000 mad idea
2.000000 metadata creation
2.000000 mr grindley
2.000000 ms zentity
2.000000 names project
2.000000 one line project summaries
2.000000 open access scholarly comms
2.000000 open standards
2.000000 publications repository
2.000000 rachel bruce
2.000000 repositories/ targeted preservation investigations
2.000000 repository fringe
2.000000 repository network
2.000000 repository roadmap
2.000000 research council
2.000000 research councils
2.000000 research repositories
2.000000 rioja project
2.000000 senior management
2.000000 simon coles
2.000000 strategic directions
2.000000 subject repository interaction report
2.000000 wrap project
1.836592 research information management
1.669925 information management infrastructure
1.584962 3rd party witness
1.584962 big institutional lever
1.584962 birmingham new street
1.584962 case study whelf
1.584962 cetis md sig coordinator jenny delasalle
1.584962 chem phd student
1.584962 chicken egg thing
1.584962 copy + paste
1.584962 current rep content
1.584962 cyberlaw kevin ashley
1.584962 data validation/ quality
1.584962 digital document creation
1.584962 dublin core metadata
1.584962 egms metadata standard
1.584962 electronic yellow pages
1.584962 eprints data repository
1.584962 esrc society today
1.584962 ewan mcintosh keynote
1.584962 ex cetis md sig coordinator jenny
1.584962 first forum session
1.584962 flip video cameras
1.584962 friendly ideas room
1.584962 full text oa
1.584962 ha ha road
1.584962 hard curation decisions
1.584962 higher level outputs
1.584962 individual uni repositories
1.584962 inst asset management
1.584962 institutional archive creation
1.584962 interesting case study
1.584962 interesting use case
1.584962 internal data model
1.584962 iret kick off
1.584962 jisc funded expertise
1.584962 jisc ie blog
1.584962 jisc information environment
1.584962 jisc omb service
1.584962 jisc repositories conf
1.584962 jisc-funded project outputs
1.584962 kcl committe zone
1.584962 link formats matter
1.584962 live blog details
1.584962 metadata exchange formats
1.584962 most innovative project
1.584962 ms research product
1.584962 new research practice
1.584962 old fashioned map
1.584962 outcomes collections system
1.584962 overlaid journal archives
1.584962 peer review costs
1.584962 potential user community
1.584962 prelim usability testing
1.584962 preservation programme conference
1.584962 prof jeff haywood
1.584962 prof jeff heywood
1.584962 project management experience
1.584962 publicly funded ideas
1.584962 qaa institutional audit
1.584962 race start-up project
1.584962 rcuk oa report
1.584962 real rm req'ts
1.584962 recent ri bid
1.584962 repos roadmap review
1.584962 repositories programme project
1.584962 repository programme themes
1.584962 repository road map
1.584962 repository road se18
1.584962 repository roadmap session
1.584962 repository software communities
1.584962 research council perspective
1.584962 research council session
1.584962 research data management
1.584962 research data manager
1.584962 research infrastructure funders
1.584962 russel group unis
1.584962 senior management view
1.584962 simple institutional basis
1.584962 simple web service
1.584962 stubborn paper-based nature
1.584962 text based material
1.584962 times higher article
1.584962 up-front manual approach
1.584962 user communication patterns
1.584962 valuable research discussions
1.584962 varies action plans
1.584962 virtual idea room
1.584962 w/out oa mandate
1.584962 welsh repository network
1.584962 welsh university press

Methodological points:
Upper case was mapped to lower case.
No stemming was used.
A small amount of initial filtering was done to remove noise and to split lines into 1 sentence per line.
A small stoplist was used (36 forms, e.g. http, today, few).
No named entity processing was used, however TerMine does suggest names, although it cannot distinguish these as such.