Installation & Execution

Japanese version

Installation of LiLFeS is very easy, since it uses configure script.

  1. Run configure script on the host machine.
    % ./configure
    You can specify various options. Use -h option to see them. By default, LiLFeS is installed under /usr/local, so it is required that you have write privileges for that directory. if you don't have root privileges, it's possible to install the system into your home directory. For example, to install in  ~/lilfes directory, specify the following option:
  2. Start compilation.
    % make

  3. Install the executable, libraries and documentations.
    % make install
The executable program will be installed at /usr/local/bin/lilfes. The following message is displayed when the program is started:
% lilfes
LiLFeS 1.2.0          by Takaki Makino and Tsujii lab., Tokyo Univ.
">" is the command prompt of LiLFeSDFrom here, it's possible to enter commands to the LiLFeS. From the LiLFeS command line, the options listed below can be specified. You can see the options by -h option.
-lLoad a module.
-nDon't read the initialization modules.
-uDon't load the user initialization file ( default ~/.lilfesrc).
--warn-module-overrideDisplay a warning if a module is being loaded more than once.
-wDisplays all warning messages.
-aSetting command-line arguments.
-eExecute a LiLFeS program from command-line
-hShow the list of LiLFeS options.
LiLFeS command line options

LiLFeS will use the following environment variables if they are defined.
LILFES_PATHUser path to  search for modules, separated by ":"
LILFESRCLiLFeS initialization file, read during startup time.
Environment variables of LiLFeS

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