Result of analysing Prime Minister Brown's address to the joint session of Congress, 4th March 2009, using NaCTeM's TerMine tool.
The output is ordered by descending C-value, then within each score by ascending alphabetic order.
4.000000 american people3.000000 climate change
3.000000 new times
2.000000 american soldiers
2.000000 hard-working families
2.000000 low carbon recovery worldwide
2.000000 madam speaker
2.000000 mr vice-president
2.000000 new frontier
2.000000 new high value products
2.000000 past british prime ministers
2.000000 special relationship
2.000000 whole world
1.584962 different economic world
1.584962 global economic cooperation
1.584962 global new deal
1.584962 interest rate stimulus
1.584962 international economic cooperation
1.584962 last full measure
1.584962 middle class incomes
1.584962 new digital infrastructure
1.584962 new green jobs
1.584962 new green technologies
1.584962 offshore tax havens
1.584962 own british tribute
1.584962 pro-american european leadership
1.584962 senator edward kennedy
1.584962 shadow banking systems
1.584962 sir edward kennedy
1.584962 star spangled banner
1.584962 terrible september morning
1.584962 two state solution
1.584962 viable palestinian state
1.584962 worldwide banking system
1.584962 young american soldier
1.000000 american courage
1.000000 american spirit
1.000000 american story
1.000000 american visionaries
1.000000 bad bank
1.000000 balance sheet
1.000000 banking system
1.000000 berlin wall
1.000000 better future
1.000000 better lives
1.000000 biggest expansion
1.000000 blind optimism
1.000000 bold affirmation
1.000000 buckingham palace
1.000000 capitol building
1.000000 coldstream guards
1.000000 common bond
1.000000 continued support
1.000000 conventional thinking
1.000000 decisive moments
1.000000 different battles
1.000000 different beliefs
1.000000 distinguished members
1.000000 distinguished senators
1.000000 eastern europe
1.000000 economic cooperation
1.000000 economic crisis
1.000000 economic hurricane
1.000000 economic life
1.000000 edward kennedy
1.000000 endless void
1.000000 enduring truth
1.000000 environmental technology
1.000000 families' sorrow
1.000000 few countries
1.000000 financial institutions
1.000000 financial instruments
1.000000 financial orthodoxy
1.000000 first duty
1.000000 first priority
1.000000 first responsibility
1.000000 fiscal stimulus
1.000000 franklin roosevelt
1.000000 friend europe
1.000000 global economy
1.000000 global markets
1.000000 global problems
1.000000 global recession
1.000000 global solutions
1.000000 good banks
1.000000 good economy
1.000000 good fortune
1.000000 good society
1.000000 great capital
1.000000 great debt
1.000000 great friend
1.000000 great nation
1.000000 great pride
1.000000 greatest gift
1.000000 greek proverb
1.000000 hard years
1.000000 hardest days
1.000000 health care
1.000000 historic agreement
1.000000 honorary knighthood
1.000000 human beings
1.000000 human imagination
1.000000 impossible endeavour
1.000000 indispensible nation
1.000000 interest rates
1.000000 international community
1.000000 iron curtain
1.000000 irrepressible nation
1.000000 last century
1.000000 last line
1.000000 latest chapter
1.000000 local store
1.000000 major challenges
1.000000 many months
1.000000 many opportunities
1.000000 many parents
1.000000 many things
1.000000 middle east
1.000000 modern communications
1.000000 much prosperity
1.000000 new europe
1.000000 new partnership
1.000000 new president
1.000000 new priorities
1.000000 new world
1.000000 northern ireland
1.000000 nuclear programme
1.000000 nuclear proliferation
1.000000 old europe
1.000000 own apprehensions
1.000000 own aspirations
1.000000 own hands
1.000000 own stars
1.000000 passport control
1.000000 planet earth
1.000000 political liberty
1.000000 practical affirmation
1.000000 president kennedy
1.000000 president obama
1.000000 president reagan
1.000000 recent events
1.000000 revolutionary times
1.000000 safe haven
1.000000 secure israel
1.000000 shared message
1.000000 similar determination
1.000000 special interest
1.000000 special mention
1.000000 stimulus proposals
1.000000 synthetic confidence
1.000000 tumultuous centuries
1.000000 washington d.c.
1.000000 whole century
1.000000 world community
1.000000 world downturn
1.000000 world economy
1.000000 world war
1.000000 worldwide reduction
1.000000 young people