Practical HPSG-basedJapanese Grammar
Final Goal
Approach to Final Grammar
Underspecified Japanese Grammar: SLUNG
Current status of SLUNG
Clustering Result [Torisawa]
Design Policy for SLUNG:Underspecification
Characteristics of Japanese
(Ex.) Japanese Sentence
Lexicon: Lexical Entry Template (LET)
LET: Example
Rule Schemata
Rule schemata: Example
Head-Complement Schema
Head-Relative Schema
(Ex.) Sentence with Relative Clause
# of Types & Features
Experimental Results
Experimental Results: Coverage
Experimental Results:Profiles of Parsing
Experimental Results:Time with the TNT Parser
Experimental Results:CFG generated bythe TNT Compiler
Experimental Results:Time and Memoryin Compiling and Loading
Disambiguation Techniques on SLUNG
Parsing Heuristics
Parsing Heuristics:(Ex.) Postposition ewaf
Parsing Heuristics:(Ex.) Wa-Heuristics
Probabilistic Model (1/2) [Kanayama]
Probabilistic Model (2/2):Calculating Probability
Experimental results: accuracy
Experimental results:Comparison (accuracy)
Future Work
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