Enju 2.4 online demo
Enter a sentence, and you will see a parse result in the XML format.
Biomedical paper
To understand the output of the Enju parser, see:
Enju Output Specifications
Enju XML Format
Birds fly.
John is loved by Mary.
Mary marries a very rich man.
John tries to approach Mary.
The fact that John loves Mary is true.
John is the man Mary loved.
Mary likes the park in which John walks.
Mary is easy to please.
John (my brother) has left.
It is obvious that John is a fool.
I see what I eat.
I wonder who they think will invite them.
It's falling like a stone, said Danny Linger, a pit trader who was standing outside the London International Financial Futures Exchange.
This study demonstrates that IL-8 recognizes and activates CXCR1, CXCR2, and the Duffy antigen by distinct mechanisms.
(the GENIA model is used)